Air Fresheners
"The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality" - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Allergy to
Feather Pillows
"Biological Pollutants in Your Home" - Consumer Product Safety Commission
"Indoor Allergens" - State of Wisconsin Division of Public Health
"Asbestos" - Mount Sinai Children's Environmental Health Center
Carpet Residues
"Carpeting and Children's Health" - Washington Toxics Coalition
"The Inside Story: Indoor Air Quality" - EPA
Current research - Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
"Household Cleaning Products" - NYC Waste-Less Program
Dioxin in
"Dioxins" - Illinois Department of Public Health
Current research - Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP)
Current research - EHP
Flame Retardants,
"Polybrominated Diphenylethers: PBDEs-What are they?"-EPA
Current research - EHP
Formaldehyde in
"An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality" - EPA
"The Inside Story: Indoor Air Quality" - EPA
Current research - EHP
Lead Paint
"Lead in Paint, Dust and Soil" - EPA
"Lead Poisoning: Prevention Tips" - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
"Tox Town: Lead" - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Current research - EHP
"Facts About Mold and Dampness" - CDC
"A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home" - EPA
Paints, Non-VOC
"An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality: VOCs" - EPA
Current research - EHP
Current research - Mount Sinai School of Medicine
"Children and Schools - Beyond Pesticides " - National Coalition Against Misuse of Pesticides
"Tox Town: Pesticides" - NIH
Technical information - EPA
"Radon" - EPA
Toys, Lead in
"Lead in Toy Jewelry" - EPA
Current research - EHP
Toys, PVC in
"Spotlight on Phthalates" - CDC
"Phthalates" - EPA
Current research - EHP
Current research - EHP
© 2009 Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition, Inc. (HBCAC). Illustrations © 2009 Craig Boldman.
All rights reserved. Scientific content reviewed by Mount Sinai School of Medicine.